, 2021

2021 Breakout Sessions

Spring Caches with Protocol Buffers


Track: Intermediate/Advanced Spring

Protocol Buffers, or Protobuf, are a language and platform-neutral mechanism for serializing structured data. Created by Google, Protobuf is an extensible, simple, lightweight, and fast way for applications to communicate with each other.

This talk focuses on how Infinispan uses Protobuf encoding to marshall and store data in the context of caching for Spring applications.

Infinispan is one of the many caching providers that are supported as a Spring-Cache and Spring-Session abstraction to boost application performance and availability. The fact that Infinispan internally relies on Protobuf to handle data differentiates Infinispan from other caching providers and has direct relevance to Spring users.

By the end of this talk, you’ll understand how combining Infinispan and Protobuf gives you the best possible caching for your Spring applications.

Katia Aresti

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat