Sep 2–3, 2020

2020 Workshops & Training

Self-Paced Workshops

Self-paced workshops are now available on


Kubernetes Fundamentals

60 minutes

This workshop is intended to give you a quick, hands-on introduction to using Kubernetes. In the process, you’ll learn about some of the fundamental concepts of Kubernetes when deploying applications to it. The focus will be on what a developer would need to know to use the platform. It’s not a workshop on how to run the Kubernetes platform.

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Container Basics

60 minutes

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Containers are a lightweight form of OS-level virtualization. They enable a set of application processes to be run in their own isolated environment, without the need to run a full operating system. In this workshop, you’ll learn the basics of how to build container images and run them. We’ll be using the Docker tool.

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Getting Started with Octant

30 minutes

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Octant is an open source, developer-centric web interface for Kubernetes that lets you inspect a Kubernetes cluster and its applications. It provides an alternative to the de facto Kubernetes dashboard typically available with a Kubernetes cluster. Whereas the Kubernetes dashboard would be hosted in the cluster, Octant is deployed to your own local desktop machine. Octant works with your local Kubernetes client configuration, meaning you can use it with whatever Kubernetes cluster you’re working with.

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Spring Boot

Getting Started with Spring Boot on Kubernetes

15 minutes

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Spring Boot is a great way to write an application in Java. This workshop shows you how to create a Spring Boot application and run it in Kubernetes with as little fuss and bother as possible. And there’s no YAML. To do this, we need to do three things: Create a Spring Boot application. Containerize it, and push the container to a registry. Deploy it to Kubernetes.

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Spring Boot

Spring Boot Probes on Kubernetes

30 minutes

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This workshop shows you how to add liveness and readiness probes to a Spring Boot application in Kubernetes. It will cover adding some endpoints to a Spring Boot application and build and pushing a Docker image, configuring the probes in a few lines of YAML, and deploying the image as a container in Kubernetes.

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Spring Boot

Spring Boot Skaffold on Kubernetes

30 minutes

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This workshop shows you how to work with Skaffold to reduce the toil of developing and pushing applications to Kubernetes. To do this we need to configure the Skaffold tool in a few lines of YAML and deploy the image as a container in Kubernetes.

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Spring Boot

Spring Microservices

30 minutes

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In this short workshop you will build a simple microservice with Spring. Spring Boot’s many purpose-built features make it easy to build and run your microservices in production at scale. And don’t forget, no microservice architecture is complete without Spring Cloud—easing administration and boosting your fault-tolerance.

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Spring Cloud

Getting Started with Spring Cloud Gateway

30 minutes

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This workshop walks you through getting started with the Spring Cloud Gateway. The Spring Cloud Gateway is a library for building an API Gateway on top of Spring MVC. Spring Cloud Gateway aims to provide a simple, yet effective way to route to APIs and provide cross cutting concerns to them such as: security, monitoring/metrics, and resiliency.

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Getting Started with Carvel (formerly k14s)

30 minutes

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Carvel's GitHub contains several tools we created as a result of working with complex, multi-purpose tools like Helm. We believe that working with simple, single-purpose tools that easily interoperate with one another results in a better, workflow compared to the all-in-one approach chosen by Helm. We have found this approach to be easier to understand and debug.

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Tekton Fundamentals

30 minutes

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Learn how to use Tekton to automate the deployment of applications to Kubernetes. Learn about the custom resource definitions (CRDs) behind Tekton. Create a CI/CD pipeline using Tekton CRDs on a Kubernetes cluster via the Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) and the Tekton CLI (tkn). Deploy an application to a Kubernetes cluster via a Tekton CI/CD pipeline. Learn more about the Tekton project as a whole and additional resources for the project.

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Instructor-Led Workshops

Spring Boot

Getting Started with Spring Boot

(90 minutes)

Spring Cloud

Getting Started with Spring Cloud

(90 minutes)

Spring Cloud Data Flow

Getting Started with Spring Cloud Data Flow

(90 minutes)


Getting Started with Steeltoe

(90 minutes)
(90 minutes)

VMware Tanzu GemFire

Building Cloud Native Applications at Scale with VMware Tanzu GemFire

(90 minutes)


Building Event-Driven DevOps Workflows for Kubernetes with Knative and Tekton

(90 minutes)

VMware Tanzu Application Service

Modernizing .NET Applications with VMware Tanzu Application Service

(90 minutes)


Building Cloud Native Pipelines for Kubernetes

(90 minutes)


Developing Event-Driven Microservices with Spring Boot, Confluent Cloud, Kotlin, and Java

(90 minutes)


Building DevSecOps into Cloud Native Application Development

(90 minutes)

Event-Driven Programming Made Simple with Spring Cloud Stream, AsyncAPI and PubSub+ Event Portal

(90 minutes)

Social Justice and Tech Workshops

It’s clearer than ever how critical it is for us to be better partners in the communities we're privileged to work with, particularly Black and Brown communities. At SpringOne, we want to focus not just on how we can advocate for social justice, but how can we use our skills and privilege to create and advance the systemic changes we want to see in the world. In partnership with The Justice Collective, we hope these interactive workshops will not just provide a space for learning and meaningful discussion, but will equip you with practical skills and tools to take action.

Training & Certification

Increase your mastery of Spring and Kubernetes with official training and certification from VMware and our global network of Authorized Training Partners.

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