Sep 2–3, 2020

2020 Schedule

Welcome to the Metrics

Using metrics with Spring Boot and Micrometer is (almost) as easy as ABC.

Is my app properly running? Yes…?

But what if my business service is not running so well?

You’re used to monitoring your apps with health check endpoints, thanks to Actuator. Why would you not use health check endpoints to monitor your business services, too?

Adding custom metrics and dashboards (leveraging tools like VMware Tanzu Observability by Wavefront) may help you better understand the business behavior of your apps in this wild west world of distributed systems.

In this talk, you’ll see how to leverage the same tools and practices to monitor technical and business aspects of your apps. So you can make good decisions based on relevant indicators by mapping your source code to the reality of your business.

Alexandre Roman

Solution Engineer, VMware

Didier Burkhalter

Senior Platform Architect, VMware

Track: Intermediate/Advanced Spring