Sep 2–3, 2020

2020 Schedule

Make Spring Home (Spring Customization and Extensibility)

In this session, I’ll demonstrate Spring’s extensibility and customization capabilities that can help organizations create custom reusable starter modules (your secret sauce to scaffold commonly used business functionality and libraries) and create custom and common developer experience to consume the same (custom initializr to standardize the use across the various business units and developers ). There are many more aspects that can be customized, extended, but in this session specifically, I will demonstrate:

  1. Creating a custom starter: alexa-spring-boot-starter (v1-speechlet-sdk and v2-ask-sdk)
  2. Creating the second best place on your “intranet” (initializr)
  3. Making the starter in #1 available via initializer
  4. Live coding and creatking simple Alexa skill from #3 and publishing (in under 10 min)
  5. Demoing “Account Linking” and how it’s made easy with Spring Security (via Alexa customer order tracking skill)
Sasi Peri

Enterprise Architect, Cardinal Health

Track: Intermediate/Advanced Spring